- from 1970 a member of the Focolare Movement ("Opera di Maria"),
- 1972 - 1973 the dean of 300 alumni at the Metropolitan Higher Seminary (MWSD) in Wroclaw;
- 1974 - 1975 a curate of St Jacek's (Hiacyntus) parish in Legnica,
- in 1975 ad interim (VI-IX) the administrator of the Holy Virgin Mary's parish in Ulesie near Legnica;
- 1975 - 1993 the national responsible of the priests and monks in the Focolare Movement,
- 1983 - 1984 a College Chaplain in the Main Centre of College Chaplaincy (CODA) and the chaplain of the Archbishop's Charity Committee in Wroclaw,
- 1983 - 1993 Father Confessor of the Wroclaw priesthood (1150 diocesan priests and priests of religious orders),
- 1984 - 1988 the prefect of the Metropolitan Higher Seminary (MWSD),
- 1985 a lecturer of the Papal Faculty of Theology and the General Secretary of this college;
- 1985 - 1991 the lecturer of patrology and from 1986 - of the history of Church;
- 1985 - 1986 a member of the Episcopate Commission for Higher Seminaries;
- 1988 the director of the Main Library of the Papal Faculty of Theology and the Metropolitan Higher Seminary in Wroclaw,
- 1990 auditor on the Synod of Bishops concerning the formation of priests;
- 1991 - 1993 the inventor, cofounder and a director of the Federation of Church Libraries in Poland (FIDES),
- from 1st July 1993 the secretary of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk - the President of the European Episcopates Conference Council (CCEE), and a member of this organization's secretariat, situated in St Gallen,
- 1993 - 1996 the guardian of Polish priests in the Prague archdiocese.